Pay Attention to emails and Instagram feed. Details on this T-shirt and something special for 1 lucky winner will be incoming.

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Happy Super Bowl Sunday folks! I heard Eagles have some injuries, so KC get's their 3 peat. If I am wrong, you can clown on me after haha. Anyways, I decided to show up to the run yesterday. I sent out an email, late Thursday night. If you got it, you got it. If you didn't it is in your spam folder. For google users, I found the emails goes to the "Promotions" section sometimes. I do not know how different emails services filter the emails. Hey I get it, last minute. I am solo on everything you see with Seguro on it. I am running everything by myself. Bear with me as I juggle my life, career, family and Seguro Offroad. Plus instagrams, youtubes, and wherever else I have Seguro Offroad. This is very time consuming. Back to the subject. I met up with Nathan, got to see his rig, a sweet 2022 Silver Power Wagon. We ran up what I believe is called, Pucker Pass. There definitely are some pucker moments! Not on camera is when I had to tinkle really bad. So I found an opportunity to hop out of the truck and hop right into a Cholla! My back was filled with needles. I really, really, needed to pee. We stopped by a sweet crevice and had some lunch. Most of the group went for a little loop hike, that included a waterfall climb. I was too busy goofing off with my electronics to participate. What a goofy! haha. Right next to our lunch spot, was a historical cabin. We then drove further into Montana Mountain, to another cabin. Sweet spot and in fairly good condition. This is where I remind any new readers (from the future) DO NOT FUCK IT UP. Shouldn't have to be said, respect these time capsules. So that future generations can enjoy these features too. On our way out, we noticed a patch of oil and trail that followed. . . We ended up catching the fella who cracked his oil pan and convinced him to let us tow him out. The group split, as it was already late in the day. It was a long day and we had a fairly small group! I would not want to do this trail, with a big group, that's for sure. Those of us who stayed back, stopped by the Crested Saguaro on the way out. This one has a beautiful back drop! I will put a picture up.

We picked up and left the area. Hobbled the Trailblazer out. Aired up and called it a day. It was a great day and a day I needed. I appreciate you stopping by and reading. I put together a Youtube Video, if you want to check it out. Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!
I singed up for a tail assessment day for Sycamore Creek. It was a small group of 8 volunteers and Rich from TRAL. We didn't stick to one trail, we hopped from trail to trail, which made it more adventurous. My allergies have been killing me, and around 11pm - 12am is when my allergies are flaring up. So I am getting little sleep. Regardless, I am need to get out this year. Allergies or no allergies, I am hitting the trails this year! Yesterday was a good day. If you want to see some of the action take look at the video I whipped up. I dont have my GoPros and my drone wanted to act up. Cell footage only.
Ill write something up later. For now watch the Youtube video for a summary.
Sounds good. Looking forward to it.