Seguro Files 003
The very first named trail that Seguro and I conquered was Broken Arrow Trail. I had been here, previously, in the Rebel I had. After experience the views that this trail provided, I wanted to bring my Mother and Father out. This is such a unique experience and one that few people get to enjoy!
One, I had never thought that I could afford a heavy duty truck like the Power Wagon. This was a celebration run. All the hard work, the time spent deployed in Iraq, training for certifications, constantly studying because my Career field is always changing. All the hard work had culminated in me making this purchase!

Two, my parents have never had an easy road. I tell my friends that our parents are the last generation to work the fields in relation to our lives. Our generation and our children's generation will never have to work the fields. My parents, uncles, and grandparents can tell your stories of picking watermelons, cantaloupe and whatever crops were in season. This is low income lifestyle. My sister was a healthy baby, until the age of 4. A visit to the dentist and her life was changed. Back in the before times Mercury was used in dental fillings. Since the early 90's Dentists have ventured away from using Mercury in fillings due to adverse affects. My sister began to have over 100 seizures a day and 37 years later, there not really been a solution. I was 2 years old during this period and cannot tell you what was attempted legally or not. I do know that my parents were low income, my father dropped out of grade school, my mother had my oldest sister at 16. My parents were not the most educated, I say this respectfully. My parents are my parents and I would not be who I am today, without their teachings and lessons taught throughout my life. However, I know from my experience there is a whole lot of information in this world, and we will always find ourselves outside of our element on subjects. Without the proper education, we cannot make well thought out decisions. That is just life and this beautiful journey that we are all on, together. Tangent over. I say this all this because I took my parents out, so they can see what I am experiencing. So they can enjoy the beauty of Sedona, sit back and relax as I share a piece of my life with them.

I find this time frame funny. All I would hear, was the Rebel was way to big to attempt Broken Arrow. We conquered Broken Arrow from the factory and here I was with a much bigger platform! I am talking less than one thousand miles. I will admit that is a tight trail in a few spots! This trail is well maintained by Pink Jeep Jeep. Pink Jeep has an agreement with Sedona to be the only offroad outfitter service to operate on Broken Arrow. Which means you less likely to get Arizona pin striping. Is there times where branches will graze your vehicle, yes, but not as much as other named trails.

After completing Broken Arrow Trail, we went into Sedona and grabbed some lunch. After I decided we would tackle another popular trail called Shnebly Hill Road. You can offroad from Sedona, to the I-17 on this road. Which makes for a fun adventure, if you drop down from the I-17 into Sedona, for a days ride. Shnebly hill is not difficult and is super bumpy! I mean ridiculously bumpy! It is long and slow going. At that time of the year, the road was closed, halfway up. This is due to snowfall and driving conditions.
By the time we reached the closed off section, we were all beat up! You may not think so, but a trail day is tiring! 2 trails in 1 go, is a bit much! We drove back down Shnebly Hill and began our trek home. It was a great day, my parents had a blast. My sister, which you cannot see in the pictures, is riding in the passenger seat, and she got to enjoy this trail as well. There is a lot of bumps and many climbs on these trails. We did discover that the seat belts do cause burns on her shoulder. She has not returned to a trail since. Maybe that is an upgrade for future Seguro?
